Pick One- Artists Who Work With Multiples

After doing an extensive search on artists who work with multiples, I found two who sparked my interest. Sakir Gokcebag was the first artist I stumbled upon. He is a very unique artist who makes interesting pieces all made up of the same thing. The first image I saw of his was this one: 01-Sakir-Gokcebag

This was an installation made out of only toilet paper rolls. This is called Trans Layers I which was made in 2010. I found it very interesting because I have never seen someone use toilet paper as an object to create art before. I think it is important for artists to always look for new materials to use and that is something that Sakir is very good at. After looking through his gallery, I found other installations that were very interesting.

03-Sakir-GokcebagThis was an installation made up of umbrellas. Who would have thought to use umbrellas? He did! He has created numerous pieces that involve umbrellas. This piece was titles Parabol which was created in 2014. 01-Sakir-Gokcebag (1)

This was an installation of brooms. Once again, who would have thought to use brooms? He has created a multitude of pieces that involve brooms also. I found this one very interesting because of the way he cut the tops to form a unique shape. I found all of his work to be very unique because of the choice of objects that he used.

Another artist that I was interested in was Willie Cole. He has been featured in numerous shows, galleries, museums, etc. He is very well known for his interesting sculptures made out of high heels and plastic bottles. Here is an example of one of his pieces: IMG_7556This piece was called “Malcolm’s Chicken 1” which was created in 2002. It was made mostly out of matches. This reminded me a lot of the project that we just completed because all of the matches are the same size and used in the same connection method.

Here are a few other examples of his work:from_water_to_light_10wic-06-sc-194cropped_ccThe first one is made up entirely out of plastic bottles. It was titled From Water to Light and was exhibited in 2013. He creates a bunch of different pieces that involve only water bottles. The second image is one of many installations made up of shoes. He has numerous pieces that involve high heels of different colors. This was one was titled Pretty in Pink which was made in 2005-2006.

Both of these artists make up installations and pieces that are made up of the same things like we just did in our 3D project. They were both very inspiring and I wish I could have found them before we started our project because I find them very helpful.


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